Dupa cum am promis, am decis sa intreb opinia celor din jur vis-a-vis de ce inseamna HIV/SIDA si cum poti sa te protejezi de aceasta. Astfel, la sfirsitul anului de studiu, in febra pregatirilor pentru examenele de capacitate din clasa a IX-a, m-am inarmat cu o camera video si un reportofon pentru a realiza primul reportaj din viaţa mea. Am decis sa redau toata informatia intr-un mic video ce mi-a luat ceva timp sa-l pregatesc. HIV/SIDA fiind o tema destul de importanta dar ignorata de cetatenii Republicii Moldova. Unii dintre concetateni considera ca prin discutie cu cineva infectat ai putea lua virusul HIV.
Pentru prima data fiind in fata camerei video improvizate am avut emotii, si am filmat de multe ori, mai apoi am intervievat oameni de pe strada, grabiti, alaturi de copii. Unii chiar nu stiau ce inseamna HIV/SIDA sau le era jena sa vorbeasca, iar altii se grabeau si fugeau de intrebari. Viata e dura, trebuie sa infruntam realitatea caci chiar si in Moldova te poti infecta de HIV/SIDA.
Actiunea este realizata in cadrul proiectului Tinerii pentru prevenirea HIV/SIDA, implementat de Centrul National de Resurse pentru Tineri (CNRT) si Fondul ONU pentru Populatie (UNFPA). Aduc multumiri echipei CNRT penru materialele informative despre HIV/SIDA care mi le-au oferit.
10 iunie 2010
7 iunie 2010
WISE Awards 2010
The WISE Awards 2010 are designed to support outstanding practice and achievement within the theme of Transforming Education: Investment, Innovation and Inclusion.
Click here to download the regulations.
WISE differentiates itself from other initiatives through its focus on concrete action-oriented educational activities that have had a wider transformative impact on societies.
The 2010 WISE Awards application process is designed to generate six Awards. Each of the six recipients will receive a WISE Prize Award of $20,000 at the Gala Dinner on 8 December 2010. Recipients will also be given the opportunity to showcase their projects during the WISE Forum to be held in Doha from 7 to 9 December 2010.
The WISE Awards application process is open to individuals or teams of individuals from across the world and across all education sectors (apart from previous WISE Award winners). A letter of endorsement from the head (or nominated deputy) of the applicant’s organisation or institution must accompany each application. Incomplete applications will be deemed to be ineligible and will not be considered.
Applications must be submitted on the application form (http://www.wise-qatar.org) from 15 May 2010 with a closing date of 15 July 2010.
Thirty finalists will be announced by mid August 2010, and they will be invited to submit more detailed applications. The six prize winners will be selected from these finalists.
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